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2025 IHLRN Conference

About this event

2025 IHLRN Conference
August 17 - 22, 2025

"Connection, Community and Cosmos Satir in the World Today"

We are back and this year promises to be better than ever. We are changing things up a bit to make the conference more affordable and accessible: 5 days instead of 7 (no day off in the middle), staying at a lovely retreat center rather than hotel, and having the conference in the summer. The beautiful Zephyr Conference Center is right on Lake Tahoe with its own private beach and only a 45-minute airport shuttle ride from Reno. While you won’t be able to extend your stay at the retreat center, Lake Tahoe is a wonderful destination for family vacations, so please join us for the special lived experience of Virginia Satir, her work and her gifts.

Conference begins Sunday 5:00 PM with reception, followed by dinner and evening program and ends after breakfast on Friday. We hope you will join us and be part of our 55th IHLRN Conference.  If you are new to IHLRN, this is an opportunity to participate in the lived Satir experience and be part of the unique learning that happens when we are together.  If you are new or from outside the USA, please consider applying for a scholarship. Register soon because we hope to fill quickly, and we don’t want you to end up on a waiting list.


GENERAL INFO (scroll down to register)

Single room $1305, Double $930 pp, Triple $835 pp, inclusive of all meals.

$130/day – Includes 3 meals, evening program, and cost of CECs. (Registration for CECs still required) Breakfast begins at 8:00 AM. Eligible to Nevada residents and students only. Days available to attend: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday

TIPS  IHLRN tradition is to provide additional tips for housekeepers, front desk staff, engineers, maintenance staff, gardeners, chefs, cooks, dishwashers, and other hotel staff that work with us. If you are able, be generous and include tips for these workers on your registration form. Tip Donations


SCHOLARSHIP  Eligible every 3 years. Recipients must register in double or triple room. The deadline for submission of scholarship applications is May 15, 2024Fill out Scholarship Form

-Members must sign in to register
Scroll down to the bottom, click arrow for 1 person, then click on the REGISTER button
-Choose activity (CECs) and room choice - single, double, or triple
-Follow prompts to payment page

PAYMENT INSTRUCTIONS  Our contract requires reservation for the full conference. (no partials). All payments must be made in US dollars. Foreign registrations must be drawn in US dollars on a US dollar account or international money order.  To pay online, follow registration prompts to the Payment Method button and choose Credit Card option or ACH Direct Debit. Check payment, mail to: Andris Baltins, Treasurer, 1562 Camino Del Mar Unit 432, Del Mar, CA 92014
For those paying by check or requesting a scholarship, our registration software won't allow you to complete registration until payment is received, thus your registration will be cancelled.  Please email Betsy Gast at She will track your application until payment is received and/or scholarship is awarded and will be able to direct you to next steps.


EARLY ARRIVAL / STAY AFTER - We have a limited room block this year and cannot offer additional days at Zephyr. 

CANCELLATIONS - Our cancellation policy is based on our Zephyr contract. All cancellations are subject to a $50 administration fee. Registration closes Aug 3rd.  There can be no refunds after Aug 3 unless we're able to fill your space from a waitlist.

TRAVEL INFORMATION - You can go to Zephyr Point Retreat Website.  

WEATHER- The weather in August is warm, in the 80s. The conference center is not air-conditioned but the meeting rooms should be comfortable with their fans. It gets down to the 50s in the evening. 


       Conference Underwriting $1000Conference Underwriting $500 

       Conference Underwriting $250Conference Underwriting (other amount) 





Sunday, August 17, 2025, to Friday, August 22, 2025


Zephyr Point
660 Highway 50
Zephyr Cove, NV  89448

Event Contact(s)

Lois Gold
Conference Co-Chair, Program & General Questions
503-703-1740 (p)
503-803-0704 (c)

Betsy Gast
Conference Co-Chair, Technical Help w/Registration
253-278-9446 (p)

Beatrice S Parker
Site Coordinator: Rooms, Diet, Roomate & Venue ?'s
919-260-7271 (c)


Annual IHLRN Conference

Registration Info

Registration is required
Payment In Full In Advance Only
Registration cancellations will be accepted until Sunday, August 3, 2025 at 12:00 AM
Cancellation Policy:
Our cancellation policy is based the Zephyr contract. All cancellations subject to $50 administrative fee. Registration closes August 3rd. There can be no refunds after Aug 3 unless we're able to fill your space from a waitlist.

Number of People Who Will Attend

Non-Member *
* This can be your primary registrant type. Only one primary registrant type is allowed per registration.
Activities/Items (Click the down-arrow to view details)
CEC $75
SINGLE Room Reservation $1305
DOUBLE Room Reservation $930
TRIPLE Room Reservation $835
Monday 8/18 Day Rate $130
Tuesday 8/19 Day Rate $130
Wednesday 8/20 Day Rate $130
Thursday 8/21 Day Rate $130