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HomeAbout IHLRN


In creating IHLRN, it was Virginia Satir’s intent to create a welcoming and inclusive community in which participants could learn from each other, from the experience of being in the group, present new or original material, and be in a beautiful, inspiring setting. This week long meeting offers a unique opportunity for learning, sharing and fellowship in the Satir model. IHLRN has been meeting for 50 years continuing to bring together people who were closely associated with Virginia and those who are interested in her ideas.

Our attendees typically include licensed therapists, coaches, counselors, mentors, professors, students, professionals from fields such as health care, law, engineering, and information technology. We range in age from our 20’s to our 90’s. We are international as well as inter-generational.

We meet most often but not always in the United States and every few years in another country, always in a beautiful setting. Since the conferences are a week long and in interesting locations, we always have a free day to explore the sights. Accommodations and virtually all meals are included in the price. Scholarships may be available.

What makes this conference unique:

• Non-traditional conference format – the schedule of workshops is established at the conference. The morning is a plenary followed by small break-out groups which allow for more intimate connections. The afternoon has three choices of workshops for each time slot.

• Any participant may offer a workshop. Though most topics are clinical and about the Satir model, topics range based on the expertise and interests of those participating.

• Most presentations are experiential or interactive creating opportunities for personal growth

• International in scope – there are opportunities for sharing and networking with clinicians from other countries

• Continuing education credits are available for many workshops

IHLRN Newsletters
2019 What's in the Pot
2018 What's in the Pot

2017 What's In the Pot

In our sameness we connect,
in our
 differences we grow.
-Virginia Satir -

Community was very important to Virginia. In addition to IHLRN, she establised two other organizations that are still going strong many years after her death in 1988. One is The Virginia Satir Global Network whose mission is to further the creation of healthy and just relationships based on Satir teachings.  Click the following link to visit their website The Virginia Satir Global Network The other is Satir Family Camp, a week long experience in which families camp together and share Virginia's teachings. Click the following link to visit their website Satir Family Camp